Iron and Steel

Social Responsibility Policy

Adopting the principle of reflecting its respectful approach to human rights in all its activities, Kaptan is also aware of its social responsibilities towards all its stakeholders and society. In this direction, we have adopted internationally accepted standards and best practices as our guide, as well as meticulously complying with the relevant legal regulations.

In this direction, we consider the following as the basic policy of our social responsibility
• To take necessary initiatives to prevent child labour
• Not to employ forced or involuntary workers, and not to force employees to stay at work,
• To keep the Occupational Health and Safety culture at the forefront of all its activities, and provide a healthy and safe working environment for all its employees;
• To respect the freedom of association of employees
• Not to cause employees to be discriminated according to any criteria and to treat everyone fairly and equally
• To provide a peaceful working environment free from arbitrary disciplinary practices, ill-treatment, violence and harassment, and free from retaliation
• To determine working hours in accordance with the relevant legislation, prioritizing the physical and psychological health of its employees, to comply with legal requirements and voluntary basis with respect to overtime Works
• To implement a fair wage system that observes the living standards of employees as well as legal regulations
• To request suppliers to comply with applicable legal obligations, evaluate their social compliance, encourage their development, and conduct performance evaluations
• Not to tolerate any direct or indirect support to non-state armed groups or their affiliates
• To follow the environmental effects of our activities and to minimize their negative effects
• Not to allow corruption, bribery and fraud in any way, to act in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations and business ethics in all its activities, and to direct all business partners to behave in the same way
• To adopt transparent, accountable, ethical business practices

We are committed to carry out our social responsibility activities in the light of these policies, under the roof of a management system that complies with the applicable legislation, internationally accepted codes of conduct and standards, in harmony with other management systems we have, to continuously improve such conduct and to provide the resources needed for all these purposes.

Chairman of the Board