Iron and Steel

Stakeholder Complaints Policy

Kaptan has adopted the basic principle of meeting the needs and expectations of all its stakeholders, who are affected by its products, services and activities, and with which it interacts, at the highest level, thus ensuring their satisfaction.

We are aware that an effective complaint management process is one of the most important and sensitive points of ensuring stakeholder satisfaction. For this purpose, we have established a complaint management system where all our stakeholders can convey their dissatisfaction and related complaints to us and reach a satisfactory solution.

As per our Management System for Stakeholder Complaints, it is our fundamental objective to;
• establish effective communication channels with our stakeholders
• handle all complaints submitted by our stakeholders in a transparent and objective manner
• reach a fair and satisfactory solution as soon as possible
• satisfy all relevant legal and regulatory requirements
• In this way, increase stakeholder satisfaction and continuously improve our business processes.

As the Senior Management of Kaptan, it is our duty and commitment to show the utmost care necessary for the Management System for Stakeholder Complaints to work effectively and efficiently, to provide all necessary resources in this regard, and to follow the system's operation meticulously.

Chairman of the Board